In November of 1954, Marlin Parker's father, Kona charter Captain George Parker captured a 1,002-pound Pacific blue marlin. The first grander ever...
47’ Buddy Davis
Founder of “Marlin Magic Lures” and the Marlin Magic Lures Fishing Tournament. Only months after receiving his captain's license - he...
40’ Merritt
The Huntress is Captained by Steve Epstein, a 35 year veteran of fishing the calm waters off the Kona Coast. Steve grew up surfing, sailing, and...
40’ Gamefisher
Captain Chip Van Mols has been living and sport fishing professionally in Kona, Hawai’i since 1988 working as a crewman in his earlier years...
43’ Buddy Davis
After graduating from Fort Lewis College with a degree in Fine Art, Kevin took a year to travel and fish, and to see some of the famed spots he had...